This surgery is suitable for some cases, namely:
• The presence of internal hemorrhoids of a large size.
• Failure to respond to non-surgical treatment of hemorrhoids, and the persistence of disturbing symptoms.
• Existence of large external hemorrhoids, which causes a feeling of discomfort, and makes it difficult to keep the anal area clean.
• There is bleeding in the area.
The Side effects of hemorrhoid
• Pain in the surgical area.
• Urinary retention.
• Infection.
• Obstruction of the anus.
• Bleeding in the anal area.
However, mild symptoms can often be relieved by increasing the amount of fiber from foods including fruits, vegetables, bread and cereals, drinking more fluids, and eliminating excessive straining during bowel movements. This reduces pressure on hemorrhoids and helps prevent them from protruding.
• After the treatment at home, the pain and swelling in most hemorrhoids should decrease within two to seven days, and the solid tumor should subside within four to six weeks.
• In cases of severe and persistent pain, your doctor may choose to remove the hemorrhoids with a simple patient procedure called the hemorrhoids fissure procedure.
Felling pain around the anus area. Lumps around the anus
With LASER, it usually takes ¼ to ½ an hour, then the patient can go home.
No, especially when it is removed through LASER, as it is the fastest and safest ways.
Laser, as it is a fast and effective way, and it helps to shrink the hemorrhoids.
Within 5: 7 days the patient can go back to his daily routine.